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holy fuck i think i just witnessed a man transcend music.
650k views. 30 of them are me 😁
Going absolutely bonkers. Going positively wild. Losing all of my marbles. They're gone. I can't find them. Bring them back.
Ah, the probability is 10,003,008,528^42. Not to 1 or 1 out of that. Just that guaranteed by a lot. Like when someone says they are 200% certain.
The amount of times I watched the video 0:42
Such an ear worm and such a bop.
2:16 the executioner is ninja brain
The more you know
I can die happy knowing that we've peaked as a species.
i think i've listened to this 50-100 times in the last 48 hours
Does the DJ have a name? Absolutely asking for a friend
This is…perfection.
2:16 Ninja Brian???
why is the DJ a Tumblr Sexyman? Why do I want him?
2:48 can we make this part the most played? I think it would br very funny
This went too hard and ripped a temporal hole in reality on my bedroom wall. Landlords gonna kill me.
So Shoocharu can literally animate any party, your parents house, a giant mansion, or this one. Best parties.
CC Corrections:
0:07 – "psycotaneously" not "simultaniously"
1:15 – "looks and lives" not "looks like a lives"
Amazing good work!
This has to he Tom Cardy’s best. I’ve never heard him hit that long a note before. Also Shoocharu is incredible at translating sounds into animation. Unparalleled.
I am playing this on loop I am perceiving new timelines I am a collection of atoms vibrating and it sounds like this song
I want whatever drugs you took to make this song.
This is now one of the songs in my current hyperfixation cycle of music.
I think Tom likes space stuff. Getting just a hint of it here
Also the void is a great breakdancer lol
Spotify randomly popped this song into my shuffle and after I listened to it like a hundred times on repeat like a fucking psychopath I had to look if there's a video for it and OH MY GODS
This is my favorite thing in the entire multiverse.
3:22 the call back to the void was genius
Came here from Perception Check, stayed for the bangers!
What genre is this?
I see Bryan is maintaining his rep