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Tom Cardy//Transcendental Cha Cha Cha – Official Music Video

It’s 5 o’clock somewhere/everywhere/all at once

Video by the incomparable Shoocharu, check their channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGA9-VO0z4eELmVtsJEgyQQ

Gee whiz it’s album time! I usually have everything already released, so this is real exciting to have so many new songs and videos to show you!

Listen to Transcendental Cha Cha Cha on streaming!

Pre-save the album (out October 18th Australia time) here! https://gyro.to/TheDancefloorAtTheEndOfTheUniverse

Com informações do canal do Youtube – Foto: reprodução

28 comentários sobre “Tom Cardy//Transcendental Cha Cha Cha – Official Music Video

  1. Ah, the probability is 10,003,008,528^42. Not to 1 or 1 out of that. Just that guaranteed by a lot. Like when someone says they are 200% certain.

  2. This has to he Tom Cardy’s best. I’ve never heard him hit that long a note before. Also Shoocharu is incredible at translating sounds into animation. Unparalleled.

  3. Spotify randomly popped this song into my shuffle and after I listened to it like a hundred times on repeat like a fucking psychopath I had to look if there's a video for it and OH MY GODS

    This is my favorite thing in the entire multiverse.

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