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You know what He11 yea !
what is the beginning song thoooooooo
Ik yall see that thang thangin in the shower 😂 but yes the video was chefs kiss 😘
she looks amazing
Summer can u make that snipit a song
Summer don’t give me no ideas 😂😂😂
so tired of the Belly references/aesthetic and this business of a dealing with a cheating, scandalous man and having to lay hands on him but still staying. Terrible message for the young woman, but no one is asking her to be a role model. Anyway she looked goodt!
The production of this video ✨ Beautiful !!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Lmaoooo !!!! Not NLE with the buns out !! 😂
NLE!! Wheeew 😮💨
If I see this ninja NLE one more time🤣🤣🤣. Bro is always on some side quest lmao.
You so fineeee summer girl ! 😩😍😍😍🔥
This was absolutely beautiful I love the Acting with NLE Choppa ❤
What’s the song playing in the beginning?
What’s the song playing in the beginning?
This is giving 90’s run home after school to watch mtv /bet vibe .
Real R&B that’s why I prefer her over anybody else 💕
She ate ns❤❤❤❤
Dope video
I love how NLE is the guy she chose for this video very interesting to watch his acting skills
u knew wtf u was doin with the thumbnail
i love this song 🔥🔥🔥🔥
This song is on repeat
it’s giving nicki “your love” on the beginning i love itttt
I hope that song on the intro is on the album!
Awww I loved it 🥰