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Summer Walker – Heart Of A Woman (Official Music Video)

Summer Walker – Heart Of A Woman (Official Music Video)

“Heart Of A Woman” Out Now
Listen: https://summerwalker.lnk.to/HOAW
Apple: https://summerwalker.lnk.to/HOAW/apple
Spotify: https://summerwalker.lnk.to/HOAW/spotify
Amazon Music: https://summerwalker.lnk.to/HOAW/amazon


#SummerWalker #HeartOfAWoman #FinallyOverIt

Com informações do canal do Youtube – Foto: reprodução

36 comentários sobre “Summer Walker – Heart Of A Woman (Official Music Video)

  1. so tired of the Belly references/aesthetic and this business of a dealing with a cheating, scandalous man and having to lay hands on him but still staying. Terrible message for the young woman, but no one is asking her to be a role model. Anyway she looked goodt!

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