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Over Each Other (Official Music Video) – Linkin Park

From Zero | The New Album | Available November 15th
Pre-Order Now: https://lprk.co/fromzero

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Director: Joe Hahn
Producer: WL BoydProduction Company: Swartz Boyd Productions

Korea Production Services Company: Compass Production

Ex. Producer/Producer: Tony Choi
Line Producer: Sunghee Kim
Production Manager: Johanna Seung
Production Coordinator: Sumi Kim
Location Manager: Gyeongseon Baek
1st AD: Heecheol Kwon
2nd AD: Taeyeon Kim
Set PA: Jisuk Kang
Set PA: Taegyun Kim
Set PA: Seo Heo
Set PA: Taekhyeon Lim

Dir. Of Photography: Michael Beech
1st AC: Jichul Ahn
2nd AC: Sejin Kim
3rd AC: Eunchae Lee
DIT: Jongsang Kim
BTS: Jiwoon Lee

Gaffer: Byeonjin Yang
Best Boy Elec: Segi Kim
Lighting Asst. 1: Inhee Han
Lighting Asst. 2: Daehan Choi
Lighting Asst. 3: Gwangho Park
Lighting Asst. 4: Jangun Shin
Lighting Asst. 5: Hakdong Shin

Key Grip: Sangjun Lee
Best Boy Grip: Junhee Lee
Grip: Seonghyeon Yoon

Art Director: Hyeonji Kim
Smoke Hazer/Water Truck: SF Cinema
Music Playback: MJ Lee

Make Up: Giwoong Baek
Hair Stylist: Shinhyun Kim

Special FX Make Up: Yeongjae Woo
Asst. FX Make Up: Seongyeong Lee
Asst. FX Make Up: Hyeonhui Hwang

Stylist (Emily Armstrong): Meesh Daranyl
Stylist (Korea): Hwaryeong Yang

Vehicle Drivers:
Jeonwan Kang
Sihyeon Yu
Suuk Ryu
Jaeman Kim
Jaeho Choi
Seonguk Hwang
Yungshik Shin
Byeongsu Kim
Yongwan Bae
Suhyeon Ju
Yeongi Lee
Giseok Ko
Casting Director: Wook Kang

Emily’s Friend: Kong SeongHa

Emily Body Double: Linnea

Extra 1: Seongjoon Cho
Extra 2: Jeongyu Park
Extra 3: Seungwoo Shin
Extra 4: Jeseon Lee
Extra 5: Hyeonseong Jo
Extra 6: Sehan Lee
Extra 7: Jiung Ha
Extra 8: Gyeji Park
EMT 1: Jaehwan Jeong
EMT 2: Seohyeon Jeong

Editor: Igor Kovalik
Color Grading: Adolfo MartinelliVideo Commissioner: Devin Sarno

This is the letter that I / I didn’t write
Looking for color in the / black and white
Skyscrapers we created
On shaky ground
And I’m trying to find my patience

But you won’t let me breathe
And I’m not ever right
All we are is talking
Over each other
There’s nothing underneath
It’s all a waste of time
All we are is talking
Over each other

Reaching for satellites
But all along
Under your breath you’re saying
That I was wrong / oh
The skyscrapers we created
Are coming down
And free falling to the pavement

’Cause you won’t let me breathe
And I’m not ever right
All we are is talking
Over each other
There’s nothing underneath
It’s all a waste of time
All we are is talking
Over each other

Oh, are we over each other
Oh, are we over each other

I can’t go to sleep
I lie awake at night
I’m so tired of talking
Over each other
So say what’s underneath
I want to see your side
We don’t have to be talking
Over each other
Over each other
Over each other
Over each other

#LinkinPark #FromZero #OverEachOther

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42 comentários sobre “Over Each Other (Official Music Video) – Linkin Park

  1. Ay me dió escalofrío el final, pobrecita me dió pena, pensé que se había salvado…y en realidad le estaba salvando la vida a la otra chica…esto enseña que no hay que pelear por tonterias porque después nos podemos arrepentir…😢

  2. Every life is precious so in any situation the gospel is needed: God loves us so much that He came incarnate (Jesus) to our earth to live a perfect sinless life and sacrifice Himself for us. This way if we repent of our sins and trust in Him, God can forgive us our sins and we can go to heaven (earth made new with no curses/problems which are caused by sin). He bails us out of spiritual death as "the wages of sin is death". Please consider Jesus ❤️

  3. A good video. The strangest advertisement for the Korean fire department. I feel like I’m supposed to empathize with the heroines, but it’s really hard to relate to two girls walking hand in hand to the bathroom.

  4. This is interesting because the other 2 songs sounded like Linkin Park but this one not so much. Still a very good song but I need to open my mind a bit more to what "Linkin Park sounds like" now because obviously they are going to sound different. It's an adjustment I guess, can't wait for the album.

  5. Hey yo haters this is for you. As music lovers appreciate any kind of music produced until and unless it's damn unpleasing to listen to 🙂

  6. I'm sorry but this song isn't it. Super generic sounding. Its no different than any other random rock group w/ no personality or style.

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