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Kendrick Lamar – wacced out murals (Official Audio)

Kendrick Lamar “GNX” is available now: https://my-gnx.com/



#KendrickLamar #GNX Kendrick Lamar “GNX” is available now:



#KendrickLamar #GNX

Com informações do canal do Youtube – Foto: reprodução

27 comentários sobre “Kendrick Lamar – wacced out murals (Official Audio)

  1. I love your music Kendrick. Mr Moral fed my mind while I wrote my first book in my novella series. It’d mean the world if you checked it out. I’m an independent author trying to have my own show one day

    It’s called Echoes In The Parish

    It took me 5 years to write with school and working freelance and full time.

  2. Now why did I find out about this on TikTok??? I was just scrolling and somebody said Kendrick dropped. I thought he was lying, but I’m glad he wasn’t!

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