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Oh shit I'm cryin lol
Sometimes you may not like a sound the first time you listen to it, but you just have to listen to it over and over again to start really enjoying it, and it may even become one of your favorites. And this one is one of kind one of these kinds
i can feel every emotion he felt when he recorded this masterpiece🖤
999 forever.
Pills in the regal 🥰🥰❤️🏆
Pills in the regal was the original name
" Aint nothing gunna numb the pain but the pills and reefer " 💊 🌿
damn this is tough❤🔥 miss you juice💜
Pills and The Reefer, innit?
damn its so real i hope he is doin okay ;(
It’s 4:27 I’m just questioning my life 😢
My fav juice song ever long live juice
This Is A Blessing To Hear Worth The wait❤❤ 🔥
Is there a different version of this? This sounds weird from what I remember. Added 808s or something, I remember it being a softer beat
It’s what he said
This song was called heroin music, or pills in the regal
Benny definitely fucked this album up!! Lyrics doesn’t even go with the beat🤦🏽♂️🤦🏽♂️
I have been listening to juice since day 1 i remember when i would feel down and out i would put any of his songs on and instantly feel joy again. The day he died something in me died to i cried so much that day… miss you juice 999 forever ❤️
Im still calling it heroine music
Late night drive vibes 🔥
When is it
Instrumental on this song is amazing..
Some XXX style.