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my son need a daddy
Been loved this song even before Glo 😂🫶🏾
Hmmm😭😭😭 what
1:24 everyone waiting for that
This shit was ass
How is it hard to rap on beat 😂
So we all just here for Glo🤣💯
Yall make anyone famous boaaa
Im only here because i want her n duke get tg
The song first starts at 1:20 fr
Bro this While song ass except for Glo part
Oh girl dei herself a song with glorilla 😂😂😂
Wtf is this
She cannot rap gorilla save the song!
How do I download just Glorilla Ft. Part of the song
Who else waiting for they tax returns 😭
This song 🗑 🚮
This song 🗑 🚮
Bro, this beat is insane.
Okay now….i need another remix with Glo, Meg and Cardi I’m just saying 😭
Bro Glorilla was the only good person in this
Tf is she str8 shidd grease 😂
Lmaooo y’all hating this hard 😂
I'm thinking she's doing an intro and speaking…didn't realize til 40 seconds later THIS IS THE SONG. 😐
this song been that shit wout glo
If she didn’t do that “uh-huh” so damn much, I could fuck with this unconventional flow.
The was a waste of 2 minutes
I don’t know if I like the song but I don’t know why👀…too much uhhuh maybe. Sounds bored.
wait why did homegirl not even have one verse?! she just keep saying uh huh lmao
This is definitely a science project
This shit go hard lowkey !! I like it 🔥🔥🔥💯❗️