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Glorb – The Bottom 3 (Official Music Video)


Merch: https://glorbworldwide.com/
Stream here: https://linktr.ee/datboiglorb
Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/bg3KazHSkN

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35 comentários sobre “Glorb – The Bottom 3 (Official Music Video)

  1. Ngl, not a fan of this one, I liked the little tease for plankton at the beginning, but the rest of the song doesn’t make sense. I feel like he would’ve uploaded the full plankton song, but then took into account of how many views he got from the last “The bottom” song. Kinda disappointed, cause we also could’ve gotten so many more characters rapping and stuff, but nah instead we got another plankton diss (mind you, we got that shit 5 months ago, so for the people who like dankton now we gotta wait another long ass time for a song to drop) from the kursty krew, and we didn’t even hear any bars from the legends mermaid man and barnacle boy, Just the dialogue in the beginning. I love you glorb, but this wasn’t it. Rs if you would’ve made a dankton song, and then dropped this, I would’ve possibly liked it more, but it just doesn’t make sense.

  2. nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i just saw this in my recommended tab, holy shit glorb!!!!!!

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