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Bro the only mf standing that's really still in Chicago. . Stay sucka free Joe shit crazy out here
Checked it out to see if I’d feel different an he still ain’t it
Generational run right now
All faces in this bihh 😬🔒💯
shit hard🔥 bro look depressed tho
1:28 & on was differenttttt
Herbo 1 mill in 5 days
You on to something Crodie 🔥
🔥 Oblivion 🔥
único comentário brasileiro
Herb on a streak rn he 1 of the last OG chiraq rapper standing rn🔥
Herbo and chief keef won the game at the end
Whole new flow 🔥🔥🔥🔥
I can’t lie if my killa told on the oops we not fucking with him no bap it make the gang look bad and u we’ll never hear us talking about him but we still gone stand on business I feel if blood was out there sliding he would feel the same way but bragging about a rat is crazy blood 🩸 stop talking about that man on stone
all of us HERE BABY
Herb going crazy 🔥
herbo poppin it a lil harder since smurk gone lol
i remember my first time hearing money making mitch i asked my cousin who dat bc he was playing it . i still dont regret . songs are good fr ❤🔥
We need a tape from skilla and herb
This shit hard
Herbo 🙌🏽
we ain’t droppin 5’s, but this shit still hard on the 5in
free the raq
I don’t really know about this guy.. 🤔 I miss Juice WRLD too damn much FREE G HERBO will be the next case..
I don’t really know about this guy.. 🤔 I miss Juice WRLD too damn much