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BabyChiefDoit – Too Slow (feat. STAR BANDZ) [Official Music Video]

BabyChiefDoit – Too Slow (feat. STAR BANDZ) [Official Music Video]

Stream the “ANIMALS ONLY” Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5Qzhu6BuhP9AWg6EbPYRjS?si=5d843232dd694681

Stream “ANIMALS ONLY”: https://babychiefdoit.lnk.to/animalsonly

#TooSlow #KingOfTheJungle #BabyChiefDoIt #AnimalsOnly #Chicago

Com informações do canal do Youtube – Foto: reprodução

25 comentários sobre “BabyChiefDoit – Too Slow (feat. STAR BANDZ) [Official Music Video]

  1. Recent Legislation

    Kevin Lamoureux, Canadian Parliamentary Secretary and Liberal MP for North Winnipeg, Manitoba, said in July 2023 that the Canadian government should seize every opportunity to call for an end to the persecution.

    For years, Lamoureux has been paying attention to the CCP’s live organ harvesting and has worked on legislation to stop it. He said that almost all Canadians take the issue seriously: “To see people that are being kept alive and organs being torn out of their body, and then left to die, it’s horrific. I find it completely unacceptable as someone that believes in the importance of human rights.

    “I think that’s probably the most important thing, because whether it’s Canada or like-minded nations, I believe that, at the end of the day, it’s going to be the pressures from governments, pressures from within places like China, that are ultimately going to have to win the day,” he said.

    Tony Brunt, former City Councilor of Wellington, New Zealand, said in July 2023: “The CCP has organized organ harvesting and the murder of innocent people. This is an act of incomprehensible evil. The CCP regime is a regime that has committed the worst crime against humanity since the Holocaust in World War II, [it is] a regime that operates outside the boundaries of our planetary civilization.

    “The CCP’s human rights violations are widespread and long-standing. The authoritarian system imposed by the CCP is a threat not only to Chinese citizens but also to established norms of civilization and the human rights of the international community,” he said.

    Brunt said that the CCP is an illegal organization and that its human rights violations, torture, and murder condoned by the judiciary, police, and prison system, as well as organ harvesting and transplantation crimes, should be investigated.

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