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Tom MacDonald – “Man In The Sky”

DOWNLOAD on iTunes: https://geo.itunes.apple.com/us/album/man-in-the-sky-single/1797195893?ls=1&app=itunes
DOWNLOAD on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DXNPBNF8/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=2RZY0WZ604NRM&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.RcZM6vy4Av02ypDxuNTyDon-zmv6bToHHT-TEqYYY3w.E_KA0uB7HjqPazAslzoNUSahOe5XaGnEZWtaLmRDp7g&dib_tag=se&keywords=tom+macdonald+man+in+the+sky&marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER&musicTerritory=US&qid=1740115544&sprefix=tom+macdonald+man+in+the+sk%2Caps%2C162&sr=8-1&trackAsin=B0DXNPBNF8
ALBUMS & MERCH: http://www.HangOverGang.com

Tom MacDonald – “Man In The Sky”

FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/TomMacDonaldOfficial
INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/hangovergang
TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/IAmTomMacDonald
WEBSITE: http://www.hangovergang.com
SPOTIFY: http://spoti.fi/2H35BQR
iTUNES: https://apple.co/2BQucZO

WRITTEN BY Tom MacDonald

DIRECTED BY Nova Rockafeller
SHOT BY Korey Burns & Jenna MacDonald

EDITED BY Nova Rockafeller

MIXED & MASTERED by Evan Morgan

Tom MacDonald – Man In The Sky (Official Music Video)

Com informações do canal do Youtube – Foto: reprodução

23 comentários sobre “Tom MacDonald – “Man In The Sky”

  1. Hangover Gang~!!!! When you get with DRA we will do a big show!~ (I am such a nerd.. but yeah, Ryan Adams.. ) I know Nova would prefer Beck and that is also a possibility. YOU ARE GREAT~!!!!

  2. The Big Guy doesn’t put anything on us that we can’t handle so whatever you’re going through if you think you can’t make it just have the faith in yourself that the Big Guy does and he will help you through

  3. Grown man here in touch with his soft side. Thank you TM for making my eyes sweat a little as I try to help my soon to be adult kids become amazing adults ready to tackle the world and make a place for themselves

  4. Mormon from childhood. It caused me heartbreak over and over. I finally found my Saviour as he really is . I get baptised in a few weeks. Free of addiction 3 years. Celibate 8. Repentance is beautiful! Your comments are moving,

  5. Hes talking about rothchilds family orsini family, chase/blackrock, nwo (new world order). Also about the WEF (world economic forum) its where all the richest people, business owners and politicinas decide what theyre going the next year.

  6. Love it! Another great song Mr. Macdonald. If you truly believe in God and asked Jesus to be your Lord and savior . You just keep believing in him and do your best to follow his word, to be a good person and spread his word. You will be blessed beyond measure when it’s your time to go home. What could be a better reward than eternity with such a great God. I know that I feel humbled that he chose to make me for what purpose I’m called to provide. It seems you do to. God bless ♥️

  7. The man could NEVER produce this Tom, not in a million years. They have it all, everything they need to produce quality music videos. But what they don't have is authenticity, they have product. And that, my friend, is what sets you apart from them all. I love your music, you do it all. But this, right here, shows me more of the man within. I really, really like the vibe here, the truth you present speaks to us ALL. You are an amazing artist Tom, I love it that you have surrounded yourself with good folks who love you for who you really are. I can see the difference. The mission is still the same, you have gone deeper my friend. Keep it up man, you have no idea who you are reaching. You'll have to wait on that I'm afraid. Now, I gotta listen again. Bless you brother! You inspire me.

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