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G Herbo – Still Dangerous (Official Video)

STREAM ‘BIG SWERV 2.0’ 🌏♻️: https://gherbo.lnk.to/BigSwerv2.0
STREAM ‘GREATEST RAPPER ALIVE’ ON THE G HERBO APP: https://creators.myseat.com/gherbo

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27 comentários sobre “G Herbo – Still Dangerous (Official Video)

  1. I can’t lie if my killa told on the oops we not fucking with him no bap it make the gang look bad and u we’ll never hear us talking about him but we still gone stand on business I feel if blood was out there sliding he would feel the same way but bragging about a rat is crazy blood 🩸 stop talking about that man on stone

  2. i remember my first time hearing money making mitch i asked my cousin who dat bc he was playing it . i still dont regret . songs are good fr ❤🔥

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