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🔵x3 S.U.R .
Sunt here by Billionaire Black 😂😂😂
Them tan gone let off 1000 shot bout screwly 😂😂😂
swerly get on song with jdot breezy
Shit ass💯
This the new guy y’all no more raq music 😂screwy took it
Damn he took that cheap shot at duck 😂
boy dat first shit really hit cause truthfully you Ian suppose to want um when the bros hit
He claim his soul to hell 😢😢😢
I guess some people choose money over everything
Dey had this nikka taped on da wall whole video😂😂😂
Ya not bored of this drill music? 😂
Screwly G 🔥🔥🔥
“I don’t wanna ratchet bi*** I wanna classy bi*** who act lik my mother.” – Screwly G 😂
The nigga taped on the wall got me cryin😂😂
I heard enough drop ah deluxe album tomorrow with 10/10 songs make them mfs str8 🔥🔥🔥💯
I like how he said catch a opp riding Ina scat and do em real bad like foolio and had jdot on a tv screen💀 ifykyk dets crazy work
Good ass rapper, nigga not doing no drills he in the studio fr
Need this on Apple Music asap🫨
But It Show My Aim Improving Is Fckin Crazzyyy 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Single handedly saving drill.
mann song so fye it turned my power off🔥🔥
Why foolio get dissed😭
1:46–1:55 wtf😭😭😭😂
Bloody as in family?🩸🩸😝🎯
he at it again
that man !!!
Screw dropped😮
Gucci finna give you a call
he gettin gunned down smoke his ass by gucci 😷🔥🔥
Bro grave😂🔱🔥🔥
Dis nigga got the map on the table😂🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
He coming trim😂🔥🔥🔥
Keep 🚦🚦🚦 krazy Screwly 🔥🔥🔥
Dissing foolio lame asf he ain’t had no beef with you smh
Camera man scared asl
ScKrewly Gzz 🔥
Shiii what’s the song on his story he posted to this? Its a different song
He need to change his flow up