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I was expecting: "I'ma do the dash, I'ma floor it
Push the gas, ballin' on these h*es, they adore it…"
I remember when YouTube always took this song down had to find it on SoundCloud through the years 😂
Idk if I like it I feel like it isn't him 😅
Didn’t he die
If your from Fortnite welcome to the world of juice
RIP I miss you so much I cried last because of this song and juice
Rip 😢 bro miss bro
I think I played this over 100 times in these 5 days❤
Imma hold this able tight thank you rip juice 🧃 wrld 🌎
Loved this from the og rip juice ❤️🧃
🖤🖤🖤 love u juice
Been my favourite for half a decade now
999 Gang 🧃🌎🖤🪽
999 FOREVER ❤❤❤
How Is he still alive
good music i love it
its so good to see all of these songs finally released
reminds me of the word…MASTERPIECE
A everybody What a bro you like the new season
Woah I’ve been waiting for this for so long 😢
Nigga said randy ortan 😂
Remember listening to this song years ago and its still fire 🔥
This is my favorite song from the album
999 forever I was 5 when I found out long live juice
Juice Wrld deserves his life back if you think so too like this😢❤❤
Like this for me so I can comeback too enjoy plz🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
how did you post this
How many like the different color pills😢
i hated how this one was taken down so much
Best song in album 🎉🎉🎉 999
As a wwe fan and a massive juice wrld fan I’m surprised he said Randy orton.Rip juice wrld ❤
did sum drugs for this 1
Rest easy baby ❤️🩹
Different colored pills you know the deal I was doing drugs way before before the record deal is straight fucking fire atta boy juice 999 for life miss you brother …
I am a big juice fan and never listen to the leaks for moments like this this whole album was leaked and it’s the first time hearing this masterpiece and it beautiful I love you juice rip
Has anyone realized why his fingers r like that, like what’s the point?
Should've made a vid for this😢
Best song on the album love you juice they ain't like us ❤️
I remember in 2020 the period of corona i was so obsessed with this song when it was unreleased
Finally i can see it officially on the YouTube channel ❤