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Is this part of the project 😊
2024 is yours baby
Was waitin’ for Baby to drop the fire 🔥
Rappin like the rent due 🔥
Lil baby, don't miss!
nah he definitely back
Already played this 20 times you went off🔥🔥🔥
I know Wham will never disappoint😉 Another masterpiece.
ngl it has the same cadence as the bigger picture song & compared to gunna this aint that good. Lil baby you fell off respectfully ‼️
U fell off
Hear a lil jaydayoungan and lil tj in that flow
the come back hits very hard🔥🔥
This track would be so fire without him on it 😂
Return of the baby
much love wham ❤🔥🔥
Mane I been your music for years ATL got that one fr fr Dominique don't play 1️⃣🔥🔥
I'm on the way too…
Parem de boicotar o Gunna
Baby, when you first came out I was homeless, in and out of jail, and unhealthy. Now I have a house, a good job, and a husband. This song and “Clover Cage – Romeo and Juliet” are the two songs that helped with my depression. I just want everyone to know things will get better. We are in this together. I love you 💕
Amen 💜♾️🙏
Wham say he coming back
This is boring, can't lie
Goat 🐐🐐🐐
They killed it 💎💖
wasnt expecting this
I love this music ❤❤
Esos beat van lilbaby mierda
And the best rap artist of 2024 goes to.. baby
“Wham productions “
The GOAT is back 🥶🫡
Another one 🔥🔥🔥
Crazy when baby thinks he dropping bangers but droppkng MID SHIT😢😅😅😅
Same song over and over again
i been a baby fan since 2017 and its just the auto tune fucking with me i hate that shit
240 been here
Man yall can sit up here and 🧢 all yall want. Dude ain't seeing Gunna in no way. And I fw baby but nahh Gunna on a whole other level.
I like this jawn but is it me or the beat louder then him
cashfirst SHIT @CashFirstRecords
This the lil baby we want. Straight heat 🔥🔥🔥