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Colorado Defeats NDSU in 2024 Season Opener

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    36 comentários sobre “Colorado Defeats NDSU in 2024 Season Opener

    1. I really follow and support CU, BUT to 'Dominate' means that the other teams coaching staff is inefficient in what they were hired to do for their college team of players. They're ALL WATCHING TAPE, and they're all watching the CU Buffs channel. These coaches as well as the players are watching everything 'Buffs' and are praying to God to upset you all. What I will say to CU… Utilize those 'Hungry' players on the roster NOT in the limelight of the multiple videos, because those are the people on your roster have not been paid attention to or studied by the other college coaches because the channel has not showcased them. They are 'Hidden Weapons' to the CU Buffs organization. Hunter is #1 draft pick no doubt, among a few others, so give those other play makers their chance to shine, because the opposition won't see it coming.

    2. it's still wild they got neon deon to go stay at that haunted azz boulder, colorado campus. with that dorm building that's like a horror movie funhouse inside, that people kept suicide swan diving off the top during finals like a school tradition. man, that place is haunted AF. i stayed there for a brief summer camp 25 years ago and will never go back to that absolutely beautiful campus.

    3. Let's go Colorado go all the way this year and go to a bowl game and Travis Hunter scorch the defense and Travis Hunter I can't wait to see you on Sundays with the NFL team❤

    4. A lot of Nepotism going on in Colorado since Dion arrived, 3 of his boys got jobs and top spots, not assistant or practice team spots.

    5. Ya'll got BigX and Gillie Da Kid there?!? So dope. I know Prime gets a lot of hate but man are they exciting to watch. He is a great coach who loves his players. Wish nothing but the best for you guys from Michigan.

    6. Double digit favorites at home against FCS and barely scratched a win LOL! SOS! You have unranked
      Nebraska and your the road dogs by 7!! LOL! If you were not pretenders like the books think you are,
      your should -14 point favorites but no, not even close. There are two types of clowns, Bozo and the Joker,
      which one are you. Almost got beat at home by a hail marry. LOL! The cornhusker are gonna refry your
      arses for beating them bad last year. They remember well. You guys are gonna get smoked according
      to Finebaum and his croonies. If you wanted lay-ups all year you should have stayed at HBCU. Time to
      show up!

    7. Why does Alejandro Mata have a mexican flag at a American game instead of a American flag? Double standards over Americans! Prime needs to address respect for Vets and USA!

    8. Too much going on around y'all. Too much music in the locker room. Can't hear their own thoughts. No focus. Trying to protect an image more than anything. Once the distraction leaves CU will be unstoppable

    9. Some of the starters need swapping out. At this point, there should be no need to tell players to do their jobs. Isn't that the reason for selecting starters from the transfer portal anyways? Some people play well in practice but not during game time. Some athletes play better during game time and not so much during practice. There is a personnel issue given this is year 2, even more former NFL players as coaches, greater selectivity with portal hires and yet still needing to tell athletes to do their jobs. Problem is either player personnel or coach or both. Figure it out or this season might be similar to last. Look at play time footage of the transfers from those other schools. Select the ones that performed best consistently during game time and see how they do as a starter, if not already a starter..

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